Turn more leads into confirmed appointments with Trusted Voice
94% of phone calls go unanswered because the number is unrecognised. Today, with more staff working from home, the phone call has become even more important.
Hiya Connect brands your outgoing calls, so customers know it’s you calling. With Hiya, your respected brand gets the recognition it deserves and more of your calls get answered.
To find out more, or to arrange a demonstration, call us on 0161 850 3261.
Go beyond static caller registries with Hiya
Reach more customers with a comprehensive voice performance strategy.

Reputation Monitoring & Management
Earn a better calling reputation by understanding how your numbers are being perceived by customers.

Trusted Voice
Be instantly recognized with company, name, location, logo and even a call reason associated to your call.

Performance Analytics
Make more informed business decisions with insights that help optimise your call performance.
Hiya Connect & Connectivity.CX
Maximise the conversion of new enquiries and the profitability of your business with Hiya Connect & Connectivity.CX