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Big Changes Coming to Connnectivity.CX in 2025
Customer experience and lead handling specialists Connectivity.CX will see some big changes in the New Year as the business continues its expansion. A restructure of the board of [...]
Trusted Voice continues to deliver increased ROI
ÂTrusted Voice from Connectivity.CX continues to deliver increased ROI. More and more of the overall UK handset market is being reached each month and we have seen a [...]
Electric Vehicles – The Impact
Electric vehicle sales continue to rise and therefore the reality of the next phase of our customers’ automotive requirements is upon us. At the end of June 2024, there [...]
Writing Process in Business – Starting the Journey
Building a business organically from the ground up into a living, breathing entity takes some doing, not least because the majority of the expertise (at the point you start [...]
A demonstration of the power of AI for out-of-hours enquiries
For every time you hear a news story that the rise of the robots is only months away, given the power of AI, you'll also come across a 'virtual [...]
Omni-channel communication – or why one size doesn’t fit all
Omni-channel communication - or why one size doesn't fit all At Connectivity CX we are fixated on the deployment and engagement of omni-channel strategies [...]